Friday, 16 March 2012

JaZzY's Jungle Enchantress

"Walking through forests of palm tree apartments 
 scoff at the monkeys who live in their dark tents
down by the waterhole drunk every Friday
eating their nuts saving their raisins for Sunday.
Lions and tigers who wait in the shadows
 they're fast but they're lazy, and sleep in green meadows."
"Let's bungle in the jungle 
well, that's all right by me.
I'm a tiger when I want love,
but I'm a snake if we disagree."
 "Just say a word and the boys will be right there:
with claws at your back to send a chill through the night air.
Is it so frightening to have me at your shoulder?
Thunder and lightning couldn't be bolder.
I'll write on your tombstone, ``I thank you for dinner.''
This game that we animals play is a winner."
   JaZzY created an amazing jungle theme outfit!!!You can wear it as a beautiful sexy gown or as a cocktail dress!!!!!